The threat from terrorist violence is one of the biggest challenges to security policy since the end of WW2 and has grown into an international problem since the turn of the century. Operating on a world scale, Islamist terrorism has dominated discussions of security policy since 9/11. Even though extremists do not seek to achieve their political and social goals with murderous attacks on other people, they often use physical and psychological violence to intimidate and threaten dissenters.
The seminar looks at the concepts of detecting and preventing terrorism and extremism on the local level, on the financing of terror, and the possibility of the reemergence of terror in Northern Ireland and what Radicalisation means within the spectrum of politically motivated violence.
Overall, this is not a seminar on basic knowledge on terrorism and extremism. Allegedly, most of you already have information about these issues. Instead, with this online-seminar, we try to put some spotlights on newest trends, findings in terrorism and extremism and concepts of police to handle challenges and dangers in these matters.
Participation Fees:
Non IPA Members: 59 €
IPA Members: 29 €
We ask IPA members to provide their IPA membership number and the IPA section they belong to.
➡️ Lecture 1/6 | Tuesday, 1 Sep, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, CET
➡️ Lecture 2/6 | Thursday, 3 Sep, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, CET
➡️ Lecture 3/6 | Tuesday, 8 Sep, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, CET
➡️ Lecture 4/6 | Thursday, 10 Sep, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, CET
➡️ Lecture 5/6 | Tuesday, 15 Sep, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, CET
➡️ Lecture 6/6 | Thursday, 17 Sep, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, CET
After each session, the participants receive a video recording of the online seminar.
Here you find the detailed webinar content: 👇👇👇